Tuesday, February 10, 2009

yU chAr kUAy

resipi yang senang dan sedap. resipi ni amik
dari blog auntyochana .

ni resipi nyer. sorry eh malas nak type / translate just cut and paste dari blog auntyochana.

Yu Char Kuay

600 gm. Plain flour
5 gm. Alum
8 gm. Bicarbonate of Soda
15 gm. salt
5 gm. Ammonia
400 - 450 ml. water


(1) Mix all the ingredients together except water till evenly mixed.
(2) Pour in water gradually till you get a soft dough. Stop adding water if it's getting sticky. Knead dough and rest for 1 hour.
(3) After 1 hour, knead the dough again until smooth with no lumps and cover with a damp cloth and let it rest again for another 30 mins.
(4) Spread flour onto table top, roll dough into a long rectangular shape and flatten to about 13 cm. wide and 6 mm. thick.
(5) Cut the dough into 2.5 cm wide each.
(6) Press a horizontal line in the middle with a chopstick.
(7) Cover with another piece of dough on top and press a line in the middle of the dough again.
(8) Pick up the double dough from the ends and gently stretch it to make it longer and then carefully drop it into the hot oil.
(9) Turn "crispy chinese cruller" (yu char kway) continously until the cruller expands and turns golden brown.
(10) Dish up and place onto absorbent kitchen towel to cool slightly.
(11) Serve.

Note : Recipe copied from auntyochana's blog.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


3 biji telur
120 gm gula halus/kastor
130 gm tepung, diayak
Perisa dan pewarna, jika suka

Cara Menyediakannya:
1. Pukul telur dan gula selama 15 minit hingga kembang dan ringan.
2. Masukkan perisa dan pewarna, jika suka. Kaup dan balikkan adunan dengan senduk kayu perlahan-lahan.
2. Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikaup dan balikkan secara perlahan-lahan.

Resipi dari R.Net sumbangan Mama Ghock

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

chOcOlAtE chEEsEcAkE

Chocolate Cheese Cake
Resipi ni dari rancangan Nigella Feast

Cheesecake base:
250gm biskut digestive
60gm butter
1 sudu makan cocoa

Cheesecake filling:
175gm "bittersweet" chocolate - cairkan
500gm cream cheese
150gm gula halus
1 sudu makan tepung custard
3 biji telor
3 biji kuning telor
150gm sour cream
1/2 sudu teh koko - larutkan dlm 1 sudu makan air panas

Sauce - Optional - yg ni cOmEl tak buat... hehehe
75gm bittersweet chocolate
1/2 cawan heavy cream
1 sudu teh dark corn syrup

Cara Membuatnya:

Hancurkan biskut sampai jadi "crumbs". Masukkan koko dan juga mentega dah digaul sebati. Tekankan dalam acuan "springfoam" dan simpan dalam petisejuk.

Cheese Fillings
Pukul cream cheese hingga lembut, masukkan gula dan tepung custard, Pukul lagi sampai sebati. Masuukan telor dan juga kuning telor, sourcream. Akhir sekali masukkan koko dan juga coklat yang telah dicairkan. Kaup balik hingga sebati.
Tuang ke dalam adunan biskut yang telah disejukkan.
Bakar secara "steam-bake" selama 45minit - 1jam atau sehingga masak.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008